Solar energy collector project bearing first fruit
Time flies, six months have passed very quickly and now I find myself at the end of my stay in India.
It’s been an experience full of amazing people and challenges hidden where least expected.
It’s been six months of working on alternative energy project – a solar water heater. During this time I have experienced many ups and downs and I even doubted if I would be able to see the result of my work.
Three days ago I was so excited having my first HOT shower in Maitti (Himachal Pradesh, India). Yes!!! Water was heated by using my solar collector.
As I see it, this is just the first step of a very ambitious program which aims to raise the awareness of sustainable use of energy (energy efficiency, energy conservation, renewable energy, alternative energy, solar energy) within the community as well as introduce this new technology for the benefits of the community members, the step which will hopefully lead to big achievements in the future.
Today I’m not writing much. I have uploaded a video where you can see the result of my work. The video is available here.
– Albert Garcia, Aug 2014