Partners & Stakeholders

Partners & Stakeholders

EduCARE India as an NGO deems that stakeholders and partners are a critical part of its success. EduCARE India believes that we all have a common understanding of the EduCARE India and its stakeholders’ services, rules and regulations for an effectual partnership.

Working with our partners and stakeholders we would be able to have access to their capacities, resources, insights and data based on agreements. We believe that our collaboration with our partners and stakeholders will ultimately lead to effective implementation of EduCARE India’s vision, mission and values. 

EduCARE India is here for and what transparent steps can be taken to improve mutual engagements. Sometimes, we may not end up developing a successful partnership in all the fields, but we may end up finding new ways and means of collaboration with our partners and stakeholders.

We have made several partnerships with government and non-government organisations, community groups and educational institutions in the past to conduct several project activities with complimentary goals.

We continue to explore partnership and cooperation with other local, national and international organisations, foundations and educational institutions that can create a mutual value for each-other.

Our work focus remains on finding solutions to integrate sustainable development in alignment with local community aspirations, environmental health needs, community aspirations and the global UN Sustainable Development Goals.

EduCARE India seeks like minded organisations to partner and work together for the common purpose and goals. 

If your University / Institution / Company is interested in a cooperation with our organisation please contact us at – partner(at)