Integrated Micro-Finance, Micro-Credit and Micro-Entrepreneurship
Our integrated micro-finance, micro-credit and micro-entrepreneurship projects aim to address financial exclusion of marginalised and poor rural Indian communities. In addition to making small financial loans, we work on a grassroots level forming long term relationships. We offer vocational training and education, provide financial literacy training, promote micro-savings schemes and invest in not only the micro-enterprise but in the individual, family and community themselves.
We endeavour to create opportunities that are not only needed by the community, but also desired by the micro-entrepreneur, thus creating the ownership necessary for the project’s success and sustainability.
EduCARE microfinance projects
Our projects include micro-enterprises such as the production of local foodstuffs and handicrafts, support in establishing micro-savings groups, and the provision of information for micro-insurance schemes. We concentrate on projects which encompass the ethics of EduCARE: for example, promote the development of the local rural economy; encourage health eating; emphasise the importance of clean water and good sanitation; encourage reducing, reusing and recycling waste.
By establishing an environment that fosters empowerment, self-confidence and creativity, we help marginalised communities increase their autonomy, influence and control over their lives.
International NGO Internship Program in India
Academic Research and Fieldwork Internship
Short-term NGO Volunteer work
Volunteer Program for Professionals in India