Rural Economic Survey & Local Economy Development

Rural Economic Survey & Local Economy Development

Rural Economic Survey & Local Economy Development

Every village had a local integrated economic and social system in the past eco-sustainable times. The people in rural areas and their tributary landscapes once were supported by their usefulness to one another. Now that mutual usefulness has been removed, and the people relate to one another increasingly as random particles. The traditional localised rural socio-economic and socio-ecological systems are either dying or decaying due to globalisation, aggressive mega-brand marketing, and changed socio-economic aspitrations of people.

Rural Economic Survey & Local Economy Development project aims to map the local village economy and develop strategies to improve local economic development through participatory action and micro-enterprises in the village.

There is no single model of how to implement local economic development or of what strategies and actions to adopt, as the efficiency and effectiveness of regional development is influenced by a range of regional policies, institutions and processes. The importance of local ownership of the development process is however central to most local economic development approaches, which simultaneously views development within the context of governance and civil society at all levels. The approach is also effective spatially, whether in peri-urban and/or rural areas.

Local economic development requires the creation of an environment that enables the stimulation of new opportunities, in rural, semi-urban and urban regions where there may be limited existing opportunities for economic growth. Our local economic development programme aims to strengthen and re-enforce good governance, and identify sustainable income generating opportunities for the local community, particularly for the poor.

The Rural Economic Survey and Local Economy project is about doing something to act and mitigate the adverse socio-ecological impacts.

International NGO Internship Program in India
Academic Research and Fieldwork Internship
Short-term NGO Volunteer work
Volunteer Program for Professionals in India

Benefits for > Interns ; Volunteers ; Researchers

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