International NGO Internship Program in India
International NGO Internship Program in India is focused on university students and young professionals (duration – ranging from 1 to 6 months) aimed to facilitate experiential learning and professional-development opportunities for self-motivated passionate young people in the work areas of related to development (sustainable development, local / regional / international development, rural development, community development, etc), cross-cultural peace and conflict resolution through integrated sustainable development work, social and economic empowerment, gender equity, community based healthcare, alternative and informal education, global citizenship education, environment conservation, etc.
While helping engaging young people in grassroots level development, EduCARE India’s International NGO Internship Program in India has helped scores of students and professionals develop relevant career education and international work experience with a good measure of affordability, flexibility and quality. As a non-profit, we have hosted hundreds of international volunteer – interns in the past few years.
Positions in this International NGO Internship Program in India and our affiliated organisations and institutions are available in various areas such as:
> Integrated Sustainable and Regenerative Development
> Socio-cultural empowerment:
- marginalised community empowerment / slums intervention
- Community Cultural Cooperative for Art, Craft and Theatre
- Women’s Education, Empowerment and Leadership Development
- YoungWomen’sIDEA – gender equity, girls and women empowerment
- Youth for Volunteer Action
- socio-cultural creativity and innovation
- integrated rural and urban sustainable development
> Healthcare and medical outreach
- Institute of Public Health and Medical Outreach
- HealthAWFC / EnRICH Access : Health Awareness, Wellness and First Aid Centre
- AYUSH-RISM : Ayurveda, Yoga and Regional Indian Systems of Medicine
- Safe Mother and Child Care : Reproductive, Maternal Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health
- WaSH – Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Preventive Health
- Shelter Home for Homeless
- Animal Care through Education and Veterinary Outreach
- Public Safety: Disaster Management and Emergency Planning
- Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience
Economic Development and Livelihoods Sustenance
- Local area circular and green economy
- Integrated Micro-Finance – micro-finance for micro-entrepreneurship and poverty evaluation
- Self-Help Groups – women’s micro-enterprise development for localisation of economy
- Marginalised Community Empowerment
- Eco ReStore – eco products development, social marketing, eco-fair trade, etc – Restore
Education and Skills Development and Employ-ability
- Alternative and Informal education – After /At School Program for activity based learning
- Girls Club for life skills education
- Women’s Institute – Women’s Education and Skills Development
- Employ-ability and Career Resource Centre (ECRC) – Employ-ability assistance, career guidance and support services for women
- Global Perspectives through Education and Cross-cultural Exchange
Environment and Biodiversity Conservation
- Eco-Agriculture and Organic Farming
- Wild Forests and social / community / wildlife forestry,
- Swashh – Sanitation of water, air and soil / waste management
- ReEngineer – Alternative Energy – alternative energies, eco-building and eco-engineering
- Conserving River Basins and Water-bodies
The International NGO Internship Program in India work duration may be customized to vary from 1-month to 6-months, extendable to 12-months.
There are project-site incentives like basic furnished accommodations with working kitchen and washrooms, workplace with internet communications, local sim card with messaging data, local project related transport, external technical support, mentor-ship and supervisory services are provided by the organisation up to 6 months (extendable to stipend paid fellowship of additional 12-months duration, subject to selection based on conduct, performance and responsible leadership).
The internship program fee starts at an affordable self-sustainable cost of $720 USD for 1-month and $1970 for 6-months. This fee covers admin expenses, visa sponsor documentation and communications, public liability undertaking, legal support, trainings and certifications, local resource person expenses, work-place approved transportation, mobile sim card with internet data, workplace accommodation and cooked food / meals. The work-site accommodation, food, internet, and project related resources are provided at a marginal / discounted cost to the academic fieldwork and research interns, and is included in the fee. The orientation training, work/research guidance, and mentor-ship are provided for all interns. A placement in a high mountainous or coastal region near a beach resort may incur an additional monthly expenses of $90. Research internship in technical / chemical labs may incur an additional fee of $450. All interns will be responsible for paying their air transportation costs to and from the internship site in India and are urged to contact their appropriate school or departmental officials for information on available bursary support, scholarships or sponsorship.
This is an opportunity for young people to step in, lead and make a difference in their own lives, while making a positive development impact in the communities they work with. Volunteer-interns are supposed to be self-motivated, self-led, self-organised with a passion to learn in the field of work they choose to undertake in alignment to our vision, mission and goals. Individuals with positive attitude to learn and gain cross cultural perspectives, along with creative, systems and design thinking will fit in good. Individuals with rigidity of ideas; over-critical judgmental/monitor-evaluators; not open to creative or lateral thinking; will not be a right fit our organisation.
If interested to volunteer – intern with EduCARE India NGO or its affiliate program NGOs in India through its International NGO Internship Program in India, then please read through other related links on this website for available positions to check if the positions / work areas are suitable to your interests. Also check our blog site to read through experiences of some of the international interns. Thereafter, email your motivation letter, cv/resume, and id copy through email to >>