AapdaPAR Abhiyan – Aapda Prepared, Aware and Resilient Abhiyan
Disaster risk reduction, emergency preparedness and Response
Aapda Prepared, Aware and Resilient communities is an initiative of EduCARE India supporting and networking with disaster management authorities to create a disaster prepared, aware and resilient communities through research, disaster planning, education, training and capacity building through developing task force of volunteers.
While disasters are often unpredictable, the harm they cause can be mitigated or partly prevented. Crises can be triggered by sudden catastrophic evens such as earthquakes, complex and continuing emergencies such as a violent conflict, and slow onset processes such as environmental pollution, or the impact of an evolving pandemic.
Prior to 2004 Disaster Risk Reduction efforts lay with the UNISDR, with the first international conferences occurring in Yokohama, Japan in 1994 and then Hyogo, Japan in 2005, had created an outline of global expectations for Disaster: Prevention, Preparedness and Mitigation.
In March 2015, a third global conference was convened in Sendai and the main focus was on Disaster Risk Reduction Methods; prior to and following disasters – therefore employing both a proactive and reactive approach to all Disaster Management work. Henceforth, the current global agenda promotes grass-root level Disaster Preparedness Education and Community Engagement Activities in order to provide those most vulnerable to Disasters with appropriate resilient behaviours.
Our Disaster Management, Risk Reduction, Emergency Preparedness and Response program
These are all areas that our Disaster Management Program wishes to address, currently our project areas include: Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction, Emergency Planning/Preparedness, Hazard Mapping and Landslide/Floods/Earthquake Impact Mitigation. We would love to expand the program further so new project areas are currently being developed. Fundamentally though, the aim of the program is to ensure the communities we work with, are aware and appropriately educated on the potential risks (natural and human) that may impact their lives; in order that they can be pre-prepared and respond appropriately.
It is vital to raise the perception of such hazards and also to encourage and promote appropriate grassroots mitigation strategies; accessing all ages via targeted workshops and community activities. No matter how small, the difference that can be made through EduCARE India’s Disaster Preparedness and Response projects as a matter of saving lives and health, maintaining sustainable livelihoods and conserving natural resources and biodiversity.
First Aid Responder workshops for Disaster / Emergency Response
Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction, Emergency Planning/Preparedness through First Aid Training camps:
Hazard / GIS Mapping
Read our recent blogs on:
Disaster Management and Emergency Response / Disaster Risk Reduction / Disaster Preparedness and Response