Natural and Eco-building
Natural and Eco-building
Our Natural and Eco-building projects are micro-scale rural initiatives to embody the principals of traditional natural sustainable buildings and sustainable living contributing to sustainable development. As they say, a quarter of the world’s population today still lives in traditional natural ecobuildings constructed on and of traditional earthen materials. People have lived in such traditional buildings from time immemorial with seasonal comforts.
In pursuit of more comforts, socio-economic status and urban modern designs, people have mostly created their dependency on iron and cemented buildings that demand heavy energy, water and resource use. Though these buildings have their own benefits and new sustainable building approaches and designs are trying to mitigate some of the environmental impacts but these efforts will take a long time haul.
We promote an architecture that is closer to the people, the environment and the resources of a place. Our team works with natural building materials and techniques with a taste for experimentation and innovation. We are passionate about earth as a material, and love to create expressions that are simple and sensible, contemporary and complementary, elemental and eco-friendly. Our efforts are at small / micro-scale in the rural areas where we work to harness the potential and skills of traditional building makers and try to initiate new projects to promote new rural ecobuilding alternatives that may incorporate some good modern architecture features.
We have worked on some projects on mud, bamboo, thatch etc. There have been failings and achievements. We continuously learn from our mistakes and traditional past to do better earth friendly small structures in rural homes, shops and agriculture farm areas. We also learn by sharing our collective experience with other natural building structures. We work with in our limitations and freedom to express our feeling to mother earth by creating an awareness by building small low-rise earth friendly shelters.
Building walls with mud-bricks snd bamboo to thatching with mud and straw bale with long-straw and reeds is part fo our house design for a rural poor in the picture above. We sourced the natural materials from the surroundings to make it a sustainable-affordable project too.
Some principles of sustainable buildings are incorporated too minimising energy requirements, reduced water consumption needs, use materials which are of no / low environmental impact materials, resource efficient, reduced wastage and waste, conserve / enhance the natural environment and safeguard human health and wellbeing.
It also embodies minimising the building cost. We believe that if it isn’t affordable, then it can’t be truly sustainable with flexibility and adaptability to meet the changing needs of present and future occupiers.