Team – the People & the Partner Organisations

Team – the People & the Partner Organisations

The organisation has the following multi-faceted organisational architecture that can continually contribute visionary, strategic, management, operations and experiential learning support services to all stakeholders.

  • Board of Trustees
  • Patrons, Advisors & Mentors
  • Local Leadership Committees
  • Coordination and Management Teams
  • Volunteers / Intern Teams

EduCARE India is working to harness global youth leadership to develop a futuristic self-sustainable organisation with a collaborative ownership and operations management based on the principles of cyclic human resources, social entrepreneurship, cooperative  experiential learning and dynamic projects management.

The coordination, operations and management is administered by team participation of the Directors, Coordinators and the members of the Local Leadership Committees, volunteers and interns.

The team

EduCARE India works closely with and wishes to expand formal and informal networking, affiliations and partnerships with interest aligned interested individuals, members of civil society, think tanks, NGOs, GO-NGOs, Government agencies / departments / offices, education and training institutions,  business and industry at local, regional and global scale. Some of our networking institutional platforms include:

Institute for Creative Cultures and Social Innovation
Community Volunteer Centre

Centre for Safety, Health and Environment
Centre for Yoga, Ayurveda and Naturopathy
Centre for Community Health and Social-care
Centre for Restorative Health and Rehabilitation
Institute for Public Health,Medical Outreach and Research

Environment and Community Oriented Development Alternatives Institute

Centre for Inter-cultural Experiential Education and Learning

Centre for Sustainable Development and Future Regenerative Systems
SDG Learning and Action Centre
GreenHEARTs Institute